Don't Just Live Your Life, Love It!

You Must Keep Moving Forward To Succeed In Building Your Business


In today’s post I just want to quickly talk about moving forward and keeping up momentum when it comes to building your online business (or any business for that matter). I don’t want to spend too long on this topic, but hopefully by the end of this post you’ll have some ideas for keeping up momentum in your business and can keep yourself focused on the road ahead.

Understanding why it’s important to keep moving forward

The thing about being successful when building your own business is that it takes time, sometimes a little but in most cases a lot. And it can be hard to keep focused on the end goal when you can feel like you are spinning your wheels or not making progress as fast as you would like to.

In fact, one of the most common reasons that people don’t succeed when it comes to building their businesses is that they aren’t able to get over the fact that they haven’t had the overnight success that they were expecting (or were lead to believe was possible). But the reality usually is that those people that do succeed quickly are rarely the norm, after all if you were selling a product designed to teach someone how to build a business it’s not particularly glamorous to tell someone that it’s going to take years to be successful.

So you have to be realistic with what you expect to achieve in the time frame you are working towards, do you research, talk to people who have achieved what you are aiming to achieve and find out what their goals were and how long it took for them to achieve them. Really consider how much time you have to focus on your business and base your goals on that, it’s no good expecting to succeed in 3-6 months (which might in reality mean you should be working full-time) when you only a few hours per day.

Absolutely create a daily action plan for yourself

Another issue that I have struggled with is not knowing what you should be doing on a daily basis to achieve the goals you have set. If you are aiming to make a certain amount of money per month/year, how do you know what that means in actual tasks?

Any good business plan will have a clear set of actions to be taken that will deliver certain results e.g. if you have data that tells you that on average 1 in 100 people will buy a product based off the sales page and this will make you $50 profit, you can begin to extrapolate this out based on your targets, so you might need to get 10,000 people to that page in order to make $5,000.

You can then break this down further into daily or weekly targets for traffic and then measure yourself against what you actually achieve. As you start to see results you will be able to see if the data is standing up to reality and then you can adjust your activities accordingly depending on how you are choosing to market or generate traffic.

Lastly, be prepared to ‘let it go’

It may be that you have a clear set of goals and a great plan in place to achieve them, but we all know that life has a tendency to get in the way sometimes and even the best laid plans can go awry. So the key thing here is to not beat yourself up about it, let the past be in the past and get back to work, regardless of how long you may have gone without putting in the time.

There’s nothing worse than the negative talk that can stop you from getting back to the tasks you should be performing, but it can also be an absolute nightmare convincing yourself that it’s okay to have been away for a while and it’s still worth the effort. It’s very easy to say to yourself that you’ve missed the boat and what could have happened if you’d stuck to the plan, and then give up, so it’s imperative that you get over it and start moving forward again and learn from your mistakes.

In summary

So there you have it, a short and sweet post about moving forward in an effort to build your business. I covered a few reasons why you need to carry on and stick to a plan, provided a couple of techniques for how you can overcome the struggles that I and many others have had in the past and now it’s your turn to go out and get things done.

I hope you found this useful and you can apply some of my ideas into your own business, so make sure to add your own tips or comments below and share with your friends if you think it could help them with their businesses.

Until next time, all the best.

About the author


I'm Stefan, a digital consultant / jack of all trades that has spent over 25 years working with companies, big and small, to deliver great online experiences for millions of customers around the world.

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By Stefan
Don't Just Live Your Life, Love It!

Who Am I?

I'm Stefan, a digital consultant / jack of all trades that has spent over 25 years working with companies, big and small, to deliver great online experiences for millions of customers around the world.

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