Don't Just Live Your Life, Love It!

Health. Mindset. Wealth.


So what’s all this Health. Mindset. Wealth. stuff about then?

Well, in my experience, these are the three areas of life that need to be working well in order to be successful in whatever it is that you choose to do. While you can certainly focus on just one of them and get somewhere, when the others are not also going well, the whole picture never quite comes together as one would hope. Afterall, what’s the point of being wealthy if you’re sick and tired all the time or find yourself depressed or angry in the other parts of your life.

The same goes for Health, all power to you if you’ve got the ideal body and you’re super happy with how things are going, but if you’re not happy or are broke, what good does all that healthy eating and “pumping iron” do for you if you can’t take advantage of it in other ways. I believe that to be truly happy and have the life you dream of, you need to combine all three of these things so that you can then take advantage of each in the best possible way.

And honestly, I think it’s more likely that you can hit 80% “greatness” in each category together and have a better life than getting to 100% in only one, with the others being neglected or languishing behind. Without balance, you get nowhere and ultimately you slide back into bad habits in all three areas, while finding a balance between all three and/or optimising them all, will give you the ability to take life on, on your terms!

So that’s what this site is all about.

Having focused on a range of “things” in the past (you can see the archived articles for a sense of that), I’m becoming more focused on these three things and helping people focus on achieving success in all three. This means content will be relevant and interconnected, with clear categories that will focus on each area and how you can make the most of it to improve or optimise your life in the future, regardless of where you find yourself today.

My goal is to also ensure that anyone, at any stage of their journey will find relevant content and most of all, I want the site to be honest and open about where I am in the process at the same time. The reality is, not all three of these things are where I want them to be either, so I will be documenting the steps I take and the techniques I learn along the way to share what works for me and might also work for you.

My aim to to publish at least one piece of content in each category every week… maybe I’ll even be so bold as to “name the day” for each category e.g. Health Mondays or similar, so if you’re following a particular set of content you’ll know exactly when to check in to see what’s been happening and what’s coming up. This is not set in stone yet, but it does feel like a great way to keep myself accountable and ensure that I have a plan going forward (as it’s really easy to get off track)… of course if you have any ideas of your own, then feel free to let me know in the comments.

I’ll also be sharing the content to Facebook, Instagram and X, so you can keep up to date over there if that’s your preference. I’d love to hear from anyone that is checking the content out and has an opinion… good, bad or otherwise… I’m many things, but perfect is not one of them and as my goal is to share my story and help others, the more I hear from you, the more likely it’ll be that I’ll be able to do something that resonates with the widest audience.

So let’s get to it shall we?

Here’s to building a “Life to Love”!

About the author


I'm Stefan, a digital consultant / jack of all trades that has spent over 25 years working with companies, big and small, to deliver great online experiences for millions of customers around the world.

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By Stefan
Don't Just Live Your Life, Love It!

Who Am I?

I'm Stefan, a digital consultant / jack of all trades that has spent over 25 years working with companies, big and small, to deliver great online experiences for millions of customers around the world.

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